
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Well you can tell that there was not much order in Germany because Hitler was able to take over so easy. Then the rest of the world didn't think much of him but then he started to take over more and more countries. That is when they started to pay attention but it was to late Hitler had a lot of power then. So in other words we could have stopped the war if we had acted when we saw Hitler taking the small countries first. I think that Hitler was messed up because but had a lot of power to be able to kill all those Jews. Germany was messed up because of him.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

"Central Station"(Brazil)

In the film Dora at first didn't care for Josue but after the the mom dies she starts to feel sorry for the him. I say that she grows to love him. She steals for him, lies for him, give him money, and help him find his dad in other Countries.

Family means a lot to me they will always be there for you. My parents take care of me and feed me.  Family should always be with you and never turn on you but that does not not mean it does not happen.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

"The Youngest Doll" By Rosario Ferre(Puerto Rico)

The scariest movie I have seen is Paranormal Activity. It was not that scary but it was good. Everyone in the movie theater was scared. I went to the movie with my friend. She got really scared and that made me laugh. I think that movie was scary because it was about a demon and I know a lot about demons also I believe in them, so that would scare me.

 A lot of horror films build up to a scary part or start off a movie in the middle, then show what happened at the start of the movie. But all scary movie try to get you worked up and waiting for something to happen. Then the person in the movie see something move so they go check it out. Then it pops out and it is just an animal or something fell. After that the kill, monster, or what ever your watching comes out.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

"No Dogs Bark"By Juan Rulfo from Mexico

"No Dogs Bark"

If I do end up having kids I want to be a parent that is always there. I want to be there to help them with homework, when there sick, and any other help they would need. When they are teenagers I will try to be somewhat laid back.

But if I find out that they did something bad I will have to at least have a talk with them. I say I will be like Igancio's father because his father was caring him to the doctor in the dark night, on his back for a long time and that's a good father helping your kids. The dad told him to tell him when he hears dogs bark so he knows that they are close to the town because the kid was on top so he can hear better, but the kid didn't tell him when they were close.


I say that Nationality is more important because that is who you are. If your from Mexico your not supposed to say I wish I was an American or anything else. You have to be grateful for what you are.

There are some people that take it to far and go on killing people because their a different nationality. But there are people who are just proud to be what they are and just go to parties and have fun.

                                                        "The Book Of Sand"

The number one thing that people get obsessed with is money. People get killed, kill and some will do anything for money. People will go crazy for money. But there are people who need the money to live.

What happens to some people is they start to steal money. Then they get caught they go to jail and so on. I don't think that money is that important. I say I"m okay with what I have.

BY: Jesus Garcia